Terms of use

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Terms of Use - Privacy Policy

 The company (Farmakis Dimitrios) which will henceforth be referred to as a company reserves the right to freely revise or modify the terms and conditions of transactions from the online store, so that if it deems it appropriate, with the sole obligation to inform consumers of any change. comes through the pages of this online store. Contracts through the online store can be created in Greek or English.

 Information and products

 The company is committed to the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the online store, so that the identity of the COMPANY remains over time and transactions through the online store. The company, due to good faith, is not responsible and is not liable for errors due to an error in the registration of electronic data in the store.

Denial of responsibility

The company in the online store is not liable for any damages that may arise from the execution or orders or delaying the implementation of any cause. The online store with branded products of various companies does not guarantee the availability of the products, but undertakes the immediate information of the customers for the non-sale. The online store provides the products and services available on its website as information (names, photos, illustrations) exactly as it is. In any case, the company is not liable for civil or criminal liability for any damages (direct, consequent, which, without limitation, alternative and / or accumulated profits, data, loss of profits, financial satisfaction, etc.) that may be the third party visitor is related to the operation of the failure and / or this website and / or the inability to provide services and / or products and / or information available to him / her and / or any third party interventions in products and / or services or / and information available through it.


All the contents of the store, including the names, marks, images, graphics, photographs, texts, etc., are the intellectual property of the company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Any copying, transferring or creation of derivative work based on the content referred to by the public regarding the actual problems of reproduction, uploading, dispatch, distribution or transmission of an online store or any other use of content in any way or for commercial use. allowed only with the prior written consent of the company or any other intellectual property right. The names, images, logos and insignia representing the  Farmakis G. Online Store by third parties and their products or services are trademarks of the COMPANY or third parties protected by applicable trademark laws. Their appearance on the site should in no way be construed as a transfer or license or right to use them.


Reimbursement of the Farmakis.G product can be made in all cases where the order is executed incorrectly, in case of delivery other than the item, sorted by type or quantity, or if the type of delivery of the package is damaged, or in bulk or in case which kind is wrong. In this case, the customer must either accept the receipt of the product from the beginning or request a return, in consultation with the company. Products must be returned in the condition sent by the company. If it is not returned within the time period agreed with the company, then the online store has the right not to accept the return and therefore to refuse to replace it. In all cases the return of the first product must be done with all the accompanying documents of the product (eg Receipt.) And the packaging must be completed. The return of goods charged by the company will be done either by personal transfer or by courier / transport company. If the return products provided they have previously received and checked the products from the company, the replacement of the products will be in the same product, depending on availability or the like. In the event that the goods are returned damaged or incomplete the company has the right to claim compensation from the customer, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the goods and will make unilaterally and automatically Whose all or part of it offsets his claim to the customer.
Product returns, which are considered defective, must first be approved by the company.

If the size does not match, the customer can return the product and change it to a different size or another product.

Our company policy is that there is no refund.

If a product is found to be defective during delivery, return it / them by charging the company and after informing the company first. In this case, the returned product / defective product can be made by the same customer in the online store maintained by the company, or they can send it and they can pay the collection costs to the company.

The return of goods that are defective upon delivery will be accepted within seven (7) calendar days of delivery to the customer. At the same time, the product must not be destroyed and must have all the original documents that accompany the product (receipt, etc.) and complete the packaging.των αγαθών που είναι ελαττωματικά κατά την παράδοση θα γίνει αποδεκτή εντός επτά (7) ημερολογιακών ημερών από την παράδοση στον πελάτη. Ταυτόχρονα, το προϊόν δεν πρέπει να καταστρέφεται και να έχει όλα τα πρωτότυπα έγγραφα που συνοδεύουν το προϊόν (απόδειξη κλπ.) Και να συμπληρώνει τη συσκευασία.

User responsibility

Users agree and undertake not to use the online store farmakisg.gr for:
  • posting, otherwise emailing any content that is illegal for any reason, causing injury and unlawful infringement to the company or any third party or violating the confidentiality or confidential information of any person
  • sending, mail, mail, transmission by e-mail otherwise any content that causes a violation of ethics, social values, etc.
  • e-mail or otherwise transmit content that users are not authorized to transmit in accordance with the law or by valid contracts (such as confidential, proprietary and confidential information obtained through employment and covered by confidentiality agreements) .
  • posting, publishing, emailing or otherwise transmitting any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right,
  • send, publish, e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other code, files, or programs that are intended to interrupt, destroy, corrupt, or equip any operating software, hardware, intentional or unintentional infringement; applicable law or provisions harassing in any third way collecting or storing personal data about other users.


The company recognizes the importance of the issue of security of personal data and electronic transactions and has taken all necessary measures with the most modern and advanced methods to ensure maximum security. All information related to users' personal information. Security is guaranteed as a business activity of the Farmakis G. store.


User information (names, occupation, address, home address, etc.) and transactions for store users are confidential, as is usually the case in the transaction store. Users offer their data for use in part of the trade, as with this, you will be informed by the company after accepting the forthcoming processing of data such as personal data for the purposes of smooth and simple transaction between the parties, as well as the transmission of acceptable data, which will be specifically identified, the employees and the employees of the COMPANY during the elaboration of the contract that was drawn up. It is also hereby informed of the existence of the rights and the right to oppose article 13 of Law 1272/1997.